Monday 28 October 2013


Heartburn is often described as a burning sensation in your chest, just behind your breastbone. Heartburn often worsens when lying down or bending over.

Some symptoms of heartburn can be similar to a heart attack. Urgent medical attention will be required if anyone describes pain radiating through the neck, jaw, shoulders/arms, and gets worse with exercise.

To prevent heartburn from recurring, one must be aware of different lifestyle changes. Below stated are just a few to note:
  • Avoid foods known to cause indigestion/heartburn (citrus fruits, spicy food, tea&coffee)
  • Eat small, but frequent meals, slowly
  • Avoid tight waistbands, bending over or lying down soon after a meal
  • Reduce alcohol intake, stop smoking, and lose weight
  • Raise the bed head when asleep
  • Avoid certain medications that cause and aggravate heartburn (iron tablets, anti-inflammatory pills

Do see a doctor if the symptoms of your heartburn are persisting for a period longer than 2 weeks.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Coughs and Cold for Children- Natural Remedies

Natural remedies are more sought after these days as there are now an increasing amount of researches to evidence that these remedies do have medicinal properties. The list below is a summary of remedies that one can use for your child when suffering from a cough or a cold.

1. Honey
 Administer honey directly on a teaspoon, or as a warm honey and lemon drink. Honey should not be given to babies under one year of age as it is associated with infant botulism.

2. Menthol & Eucalyptus Oil
These can be added to warm water to create a vapour to relieve congestion and ease breathing. However, parents should not use boiling water due to the risk of scalding, and should store aromatic oils out of reach of children.

3.  Aromatic Decongestant Rubs
Recommended to be used in children above 3 months to provide comfort. There are no evidences to date that these products have any clinically significant effects on cough and cold symptoms.

4. Ivy Leaf Extract
 A review of randomised trials testing the efficacy of ivy leaf extract in children with bronchial asthma showed that these preparations have some effect on improving respiratory function.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

World Arthritis Day 12 October 2013 - Green Lipped Mussel Extract

In conjunction with World Arthritis Day that just went by last week, this weeks post will review on Arthritis and how this debilitating condition is burdening the ageing population worldwide today.

Arthritis usually involves the breakdown of cartilage, pain, inflammation and stiffness. It is one of the most prevalent chronic health problems and a common cause of disability.Three of the common diseases that make up arthritis are osteoarthritis(OA), rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile arthritis. 

The Community Oriented Program for the Control of Rheumatic Diseases (COPCORD) survey in Malaysia showed that 14.4% of those with a rheumatic complaint had pain in the joints, while more than half of those with knee pain had clinical evidence of OA.

Risk factors for arthritis include age, genetics, gender (60% of all arthritis patients are women), obesity, joint injuries, and repetitive movements. Arthritis can affect any joint in the body and every aspect of a patient's life. Knee OA, especially, can shorten many healthy years of life, affecting more women than men above aged above 50.

There is no cure for joint disorders, only prevention and management of symptoms. Natural products that help with pain and inflammation associated with joint disorders are emerging in the market today. One of such products is the New Zealand green-lipped muscle extract.

Research has shown that these mussels contain a combination of bioactive enzymatic nutrients, naturally occurring components such as omega-3 fatty acids, gylcosaminoglycans (important constituents of joint cartilage and synovial fluid) and nourishing marine minerals. More importantly, green-lipped mussels have shown to be able to inhibit enzymes called matrix metalloproteases (MMP). MMP denatures every cell in the body and this process starts at birth. However, MMP seems to denature joint tissues at a much faster rate in arthritic patients and in the elderly. Studies have now shown that this extract improves osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in 70% of patients that take it.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Menopause: Herbs That Have Proven To HELP.

"I've got hot flushes".
"I just can't seem to fall asleep every night, its so frustrating!"
"My mood swings are just all day long. I don't feel like myself any more".

These are just some very common complaints of the dreadful condition, beginning with capital M.

As a woman reaches the age of 50, she is likely to begin experiencing many of the above mentioned symptoms, which accompany the end of her fertile years. The effects of menopause- sometimes lasting for years, can have a significant impact on the woman's quality of life, leaving her unable to function optimally.

There are many available options in the market that one can get today, to help ease the symptoms of menopause. However, many are already looking for more natural/less synthetic remedies that they can use to help alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

Herb#1- Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)

The roots of the Black Cohosh has been used by the Native Americans since centuries ago to help relieve hot flushes, irritability and sleep disturbances linked to menopause. A year 2005 review of several studies 
examining the efficacy of this herb found very promising results in providing relief from menopausal symptoms, including hot flushes and mood swings.

Herb#2- St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

Again, just like the former herb mentioned, this bright yellow coloured plant has been used as a folk remedy for depression, anxiety and sleep disorders during the ancient times, and it is still practised up till today. In fact, researchers are all trying to get their hands on this herb because it has so much natural cures to ailments today, particularly in the area of depression. In the area of menopause, studies have found that St John's Wort can improve mild depression and irritability associated with this condition.

As with all herbs and supplementation, one is always advised to speak to a healthcare professional if one is uncertain or in doubt. There are always possibilities of medicine-herb interactions or even herbs that might not be suitable to be taken in certain disease conditions. 

Do drop by and visit our pharmacist at Alpha USJ 1 Subang Jaya for professional consultation and counselling services today.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Goodness of Goji Berries

Goji Berry (also known as Wolfberry) is a bright-orange red berry with a mild tangy taste. It has been used for centuries by the Chinese as medicine to cure a variety of ailments. They are packed with antioxidants, amino acids and other health promoting vitamins and minerals.

  • 500x more vitamin C in weight than oranges
  • 15x more iron than spinach
  • 18 types of amino acids, which is 6x higher than in bee pollen
  • 21 trace minerals such as zinc, iron, copper, germanium & selenium

You can eat them raw, brew them into teas, boil them in soups or make them into liquid extracts.The extracts of goji berries can now be found as a dietary supplements as well.
Do speak to your pharmacist for further information today.

Extracted from TheStar