Monday 23 September 2013

The 101 of Detox

Detox seems to be the trend in the market today. Everyone wants to detox.
What you need to know all about detox will be written in this article.

No.1 Know your toxins.
There are 2 forms of toxins eliminated from our body, one water-soluble, the other fat-soluble.

  • Water-soluble toxins: Eliminated via sweat/urine. For ladies, via menstruation as well.
  • Fat-soluble toxins: This goes through a a process in our liver,  via two phases, Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Problem arises when there is an imbalance between Phase 1 and Phase 2 detox process. 
"Research studies have found links between imbalances of Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification processes to incidences of lupus, cancer and Parkinson's disease"
You see, there are many different nutrients that are required for each phase of detoxification. So, when you are lacking of any of such nutrients (due to diet/disease/detox packages), then that's when the problem starts.

No. 2 Know what you are eating.

1. Slimming diets - These diets are designed to reduce body fats. And they may be doing more harm than good, if they contain inadequate nutrients to meet Phase 2 detox process in the liver. There may be a x100 more chemical toxins in our fat cells than in our blood or other tissues. If these toxins are not properly cleared, they can travel to your heart, brain, endocrine systems as well as to your joints and tissues; causing pain, discomfort and bodily dysfunction.

2. Excessive refined starch/sugar - These causes increased blood triglyceride levels, leading to slower bile flow. Bile acid hardens, and become gallstones! DO NOT undergo liver detox programme if there is evidence of bile flow obstruction. Do a proper liver function test/GGT test/stool test that can detect this condition.
Alcoholic beverages and refined carbohydrates (bread, noodles, buns, pastries, biscuits, white rice) interferes with detox process. DO NOT add fruit sugar (that means NO fruit juices for breakfast, NO soft drinks for lunch/dinner) when you plan to detox because fructose is a big cause of fatty liver, after alcohol!

3. Dietary Fibres - You have to increase intake of this. Why? Because bile acid is full of toxins, and this is eliminated via our stools. If there is not enough dietary fibres ingested, than chances are a large portion if the toxins will not be trapped, but be absorbed back into our bloodstream.

No.3 How to Detox
Eating organic non-processed and non-GMO foods. Drinking filtered water.
Showering in non-chlorinated water. Having regular exercises, Healthy lifestyles.
AND, if you do want to try out a detox regimen at any one time, please consult the pharmacist at your nearest pharmacy store for better advice and understanding before indulging into one.

*This article was extracted from NewStraitTimes 

Wednesday 18 September 2013


Does your children love eating broccoli? Do you include broccoli in your everyday meal? If your answer is NO, perhaps this article will change your mind.

Scientists from the Institute of Food Research in Norwich have discovered that eating broccoli led to improvements in the chemical reactions that occur inside the human mitochondria (these are tiny 'batteries' that generate energy for each cell in the human body).

"Mitochondria are really, really important, and when they start to go wrong, it leads to many of the diseases of aging. We think this provide some evidence as to why people who eat diets rich in broccoli may keep in good health" - Prof. Richard Mithen

The research further shows that eating broccoli 2-3 times a week is probably enough. However, for those who are not a fan of this wonder vegetable, they probably have to eat 3 times as much as others before reaping any benefits. Start loving broccoli today! 

Friday 6 September 2013

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

  • Super Antioxidant

This is a very powerful antioxidant; many times more potent as an antioxidant than Vitamin C and Vitamin E. The mechanism behind this is probably its ability to dissolve well in both fats and water. Antioxidants help to protect the mitochondria, which is our body's cells powerhouse, and DNA material from oxidative stress. ALA helps recycle Vitamin C and E, making these vitamins more effective when taken together with ALA.

  • Energy provider

ALA helps the B vitamins in producing energy from proteins, carbohydrates and fats from food. It is used in our body to induce the breakdown of carbohydrates and to make energy for the organs in our body.

  • Diabetic patients, you might want to read this
ALA has been found to improve insulin resistance among diabetic patients. In simple words, your body's cells can use insulin more effectively when you include ALA into your antidiabetic regimen. Hence, sugar levels are better controlled. You are always advised to consult your doctor or pharmacist first before including any supplementations to your medication regime.

ALA appears to reduce symptoms of pain, tingling, and prickling  in the feet and legs among diabetic patients (Neuropathy). It has been shown to be able to protect the retina from damage that can occur due to diabetes (Retinopathy).

  • Anti-aging
ALA may help with the symptoms of dementia. Other studies have reported that ALA creams may help to repair skin damage related to aging.

ALA is naturally available in foods in small amounts like spinach, brocolli, yams potatoes yeast, tomatoes, brussels sprouts, carrots and rice bran. Red meat, particularly organs like liver is also a good source.

Do drop by our pharmacy today to supplement yourself with ALA.
Our pharmacists is available for professional counselling and advice whenever necessary.

Monday 2 September 2013

Good Dental Hygiene

Many of us today take very lightly on oral hygiene. What is the purpose of brushing our teeth daily? So that we have better-looking teeth? Research now shows that the state of our teeth goes beyond aesthetics.

Normally, our body's natural immunity and proper oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing our teeth keeps germs in our mouth under control. However, when our hygiene habits go out of the window, these germs may reach levels which can result in oral infections; gum disease.

Gum Disease 

Gum disease causes inflammation, and when this inflammation is severe, it can spread to the bloodstream, affecting other organs. One health problem associated commonly with gum problems is cardiovascular disease. Clogged arteries, stroke and heart attacks are among heart-related complications linked to gum disease.

Healthy Gums Lower Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

Studies have now shown that those with better dental hygiene have lower risk of Alzheimer's Disease.
It is believed that constant build-up of bacteria and debris in the teeth may trigger certain immune responses, which may cause nerve cell death, and possibly, memory loss in the long run.

Good Oral Hygiene Habits

  • Brushing your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice daily with a good quality toothbrush. Remember to replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months or when the bristles become frayed.
  • Eating a well-balanced diet
  • Flossing and gargling with mouthwash daily
  • Quit smoking
  • Regular dental check-ups; Do not only go to a dentist when you have a toothache. Remember, it is crucial as well to get your teeth cleaned professionally on a regular basis.

This article is extracted from HealthToday