Monday 2 September 2013

Good Dental Hygiene

Many of us today take very lightly on oral hygiene. What is the purpose of brushing our teeth daily? So that we have better-looking teeth? Research now shows that the state of our teeth goes beyond aesthetics.

Normally, our body's natural immunity and proper oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing our teeth keeps germs in our mouth under control. However, when our hygiene habits go out of the window, these germs may reach levels which can result in oral infections; gum disease.

Gum Disease 

Gum disease causes inflammation, and when this inflammation is severe, it can spread to the bloodstream, affecting other organs. One health problem associated commonly with gum problems is cardiovascular disease. Clogged arteries, stroke and heart attacks are among heart-related complications linked to gum disease.

Healthy Gums Lower Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

Studies have now shown that those with better dental hygiene have lower risk of Alzheimer's Disease.
It is believed that constant build-up of bacteria and debris in the teeth may trigger certain immune responses, which may cause nerve cell death, and possibly, memory loss in the long run.

Good Oral Hygiene Habits

  • Brushing your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice daily with a good quality toothbrush. Remember to replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months or when the bristles become frayed.
  • Eating a well-balanced diet
  • Flossing and gargling with mouthwash daily
  • Quit smoking
  • Regular dental check-ups; Do not only go to a dentist when you have a toothache. Remember, it is crucial as well to get your teeth cleaned professionally on a regular basis.

This article is extracted from HealthToday

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