Wednesday 18 September 2013


Does your children love eating broccoli? Do you include broccoli in your everyday meal? If your answer is NO, perhaps this article will change your mind.

Scientists from the Institute of Food Research in Norwich have discovered that eating broccoli led to improvements in the chemical reactions that occur inside the human mitochondria (these are tiny 'batteries' that generate energy for each cell in the human body).

"Mitochondria are really, really important, and when they start to go wrong, it leads to many of the diseases of aging. We think this provide some evidence as to why people who eat diets rich in broccoli may keep in good health" - Prof. Richard Mithen

The research further shows that eating broccoli 2-3 times a week is probably enough. However, for those who are not a fan of this wonder vegetable, they probably have to eat 3 times as much as others before reaping any benefits. Start loving broccoli today! 

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