Tuesday 26 November 2013

Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Children

Omega 3 Fatty Acids are essential fatty acids that your own body cannot produce, and that is why supplementing it from our diet is crucial. There are 3 different omega-3 fatty acids;

ALA-Alpha Lenoleic Acid
EPA-Eicosapentaenoic Acid
DHA-Docosahexanoic Acid

What is considered the most essential for children is the component DHA.
How is DHA beneficial in children?

In a published Journal PLOS One, 

'Higher levels of Omega-3, particularly DHA were associated with better reading and memory with fewer behavioural problems among the children examined.'
'Lower levels of DHA was linked to poorer behaviour and learning in children.'

Sources of DHA would include fatty fishes such as tuna, salmon, mackarel, and sardines.
The recommended weekly intake is a minimum of two fish portions a week.

When you come across difficult children who refuse to eat any fish/ do not eat the recommended portion, it is strongly advised to start giving supplementation in the form of fish oil. Buy it at Farmasi Alpha USJ1 Subang today.

Monday 18 November 2013

Hair Loss

Hair loss also known by its medical term alopecia, occurs due to a variety of reasons.

It is perfectly normal for one to lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair daily.However, when you start seeing lots of lost hair in your bathroom, or loads of it on your bed/floor, that is when you start worrying and thinking that you are gonna be bald soon enough.

There can be many reasons to hair loss. Stress, aging, medication and hormonal changes are some of the more common causes. Besides, practices like dyeing your hair in different chemicals and poor nutrition can further worsen this condition.

More importantly, how do you slow down hair loss or rather, restore what is left on your head?

1. Obviously, you got to EAT RIGHT. A healthy proper diet will provide your hair and scalp with the nutrition it needs.

2. KEEP IT LOOSE. For ladies out there, pulling your hair too hard to tie a tight ponytail or braid can hurt your scalp immensely, causing it to weep in agony.

3. BE GENTLE. Rubbing your hair scalp roughly will not help in this situation. Refrain from pulling your hair if this is part of that bad habit you have.

Depending on the severity of your hair loss, you might want to seek professional medical help if you lose quite a bit of hair in a short period of time. There is a medication that your doctor would recommend to you.
Read more below.

It comes in a solution, and its used to treat hair loss.
It dilates the scalp's blood vessels, allowing more blood and nutrients to flow through.
It comes as a spray. You are to spray 7 sprays each time to areas of hair loss, then gently massage into your scalp using your fingertips and leave it on for at least 4 hours, before washing it off. Administration is repeated, twice daily.

There you go. All the help you will need to save your hair today. Now, go on and speak to your pharmacist to know more about it!

Friday 15 November 2013

Protect Your Liver Today

The Liver is the most humble organ in our body, yet one of the most important ones that we cannot live without. It cleans up all the oily and fatty stuffs that we eat after each meal. It helps to detoxify all toxins that hang around in our circulation, and aids in the process of digestion, to keep us nice and clean inside out. 

Yet, having said that, how much have we done for our Liver today?

The 'rule of the thumb' to ensure you have a healthy liver today? Diet and Exercise. We have heard that over and over again from our beloved doctors, read them in newspapers, and just know them by hard. But, do we practice what we hear and what we read today?..

The natural way to protecting your liver

Phyllanthus Nuri
This is a long-studied herb that have been shown to contain many medicinal properties, and one of them worth noting is its effect in liver protection. Researchers have discovered the main backbone behind this miracle plant is a compound called Corilagin. 

A year 2007 study conducted in liver-induced damage mice showed that proteins isolated from this herb brought the liver back to almost normal conditions. This suggests an ability of this herb to protect our liver tissues, and if liver is damage, this herb can stimulate the liver to repair itself.

There are other studies involving this herb as an alternative treatment to Hepatitis B, a viral liver infection. Although the evidences are not conclusive, the findings suggest augmented results when extracts of this plant are taken in combination with medicinal treatment.

In Malaysia, extracts of this plant can be found in the form of a tablet called Hepar-P. This is a product manufactured by Nova Laboratories Sdn Bhd. Make sure to grab a bottle the next time you stop by Farmasi Alpha USJ1 Mydin Mall.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Ten Easy Diets for Diabetic Patients

Diabetes is a silent killer, affecting over 2.6 million Malaysians nationwide. It is the 7th leading cause of death worldwide (according to World Health Organisation-WHO). It is that scary, yet many do not realise that the main cause of these terrible disease mounts from excess body weight, poor diet and physical inactivity.

Here are 10 very simple diet changes that you probably overlooked all this while. Read on... 

No.1 Replace White Rice with Brown Rice
No.2 Replace White Potato with Sweet Potatoes/Yam
No.3 Replace Regular Pasta/Bread with Wholemeal Pasta/Bread
No.4 Replace Instant Oatmeal with Steel-cut Oats/Rolled Oats
No.5 Replace Caffeinated Can-Drinks with Water/100% Fruit Juice
No.6 Replace Canned Fruit with Fresh/Frozen Fruit
No.7 Replace Sausages with Fresh-cut Lean Meat
No.8 Replace Steak with Salmon
No.9 Replace Corn with Dark Green Leafy Vegetables like Spinach
No.10 Replace Processed Sweets/Candy with Raw Nuts

The Living Journal