Wednesday 6 November 2013

Ten Easy Diets for Diabetic Patients

Diabetes is a silent killer, affecting over 2.6 million Malaysians nationwide. It is the 7th leading cause of death worldwide (according to World Health Organisation-WHO). It is that scary, yet many do not realise that the main cause of these terrible disease mounts from excess body weight, poor diet and physical inactivity.

Here are 10 very simple diet changes that you probably overlooked all this while. Read on... 

No.1 Replace White Rice with Brown Rice
No.2 Replace White Potato with Sweet Potatoes/Yam
No.3 Replace Regular Pasta/Bread with Wholemeal Pasta/Bread
No.4 Replace Instant Oatmeal with Steel-cut Oats/Rolled Oats
No.5 Replace Caffeinated Can-Drinks with Water/100% Fruit Juice
No.6 Replace Canned Fruit with Fresh/Frozen Fruit
No.7 Replace Sausages with Fresh-cut Lean Meat
No.8 Replace Steak with Salmon
No.9 Replace Corn with Dark Green Leafy Vegetables like Spinach
No.10 Replace Processed Sweets/Candy with Raw Nuts

The Living Journal

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