Tuesday 26 November 2013

Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Children

Omega 3 Fatty Acids are essential fatty acids that your own body cannot produce, and that is why supplementing it from our diet is crucial. There are 3 different omega-3 fatty acids;

ALA-Alpha Lenoleic Acid
EPA-Eicosapentaenoic Acid
DHA-Docosahexanoic Acid

What is considered the most essential for children is the component DHA.
How is DHA beneficial in children?

In a published Journal PLOS One, 

'Higher levels of Omega-3, particularly DHA were associated with better reading and memory with fewer behavioural problems among the children examined.'
'Lower levels of DHA was linked to poorer behaviour and learning in children.'

Sources of DHA would include fatty fishes such as tuna, salmon, mackarel, and sardines.
The recommended weekly intake is a minimum of two fish portions a week.

When you come across difficult children who refuse to eat any fish/ do not eat the recommended portion, it is strongly advised to start giving supplementation in the form of fish oil. Buy it at Farmasi Alpha USJ1 Subang today.

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