Thursday 26 December 2013

Pine Extract to Treat Infections

Pine Conifer Needles
Merry Christmas readers! In this joyous festive season, we will look into a natural wonder of mother earth today. 

The extracts of PINE CONIFER NEEDLES has been shown to contain many medicinal properties. In the 1930s, Russian forest biochemists were observing pine trees for their ability to thrive and remain evergreen through severe weather conditions. They found certain 'live elements' in pine conifer needles which was the key to the pine tree's good health and longevity, and when these 'live elements' were given to humans, they recovered from their illnesses.

This nutritional supplement contains a whole load of goodness, known as Bioeffective A (Brand: Nuvapine A). Bioeffective A comprises of chlorophyll derivatives, beta-carotene and other carotenoids, vitamin E, phytosterols, polyprenols, squalene, and many more other minerals. Below is a summary of all the nutritional benefits of Bioeffective A.

1. Antioxidant - This nutritional supplement helps to prevent premature aging in cells, helping with cholesterol and triglyceride lowering, protects cell from malfunction and disease, better heart and nerve health, improved immune functions.   

2. Anti-microbial - Bioeffective A has all antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity. This extracts help to protect one from infectious respiratory infections, helps with the recovery of respiratory infections as well. Besides, it provides protection from gastric ulceration (H. Pylori infections).

3. Gastrointestinal - This extract has shown to help improve stomach and gut health, providing better digestive health with improved immune health..

4. Detoxification - Bioeffective A has been shown to prevent toxin overload in the body by its detoxifying actions in the blood and liver. It helps with hepatitis, and has also been shown to reduce the severity of chemotherapy side effects.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Almonds Are Good For You!

Did you know the almond tree is a cousin of the peach, cherry and apricot tree?

Did you know that the almond tree bears fruits with very fragrant beautiful flowers, but we enjoy mostly the seed of the fruit, which we go nuts about; ALMONDS.

It will surprise you how this tiny little tear-shaped seed can bring so much health benefits for you.

1. Improving Heart Health

Research has shown that snacking on a handful of almonds everyday will bring you a long way towards protecting and strengthening your heart. The nutrients contained in this powerful seed have been found to help decrease blood sugar spikes after a high carbohydrate meal, hence a reduction in incidences of heart disease over time.

2. Almonds Take All Your Stress Away

Almonds are rich in stress-busting nutrients (particularly vitamin B and vitamin E). These vitamins help you relieve tension in your nerves. All you will need is to munch on a quarter cup of almonds, which is definitely enough to chase all the anxieties away! Next time your boss screams at you, chew on some almonds, take a few deep breaths, and you'll do just fine.

3. Rich in Calcium

We know dairy products are the way to get calcium into our body. But do you also know that besides the former, ALMONDS are one of the richest sources of calcium around too!. Just about 14 grams of almonds give you about 37 grams of calcium (Harvard University Health Services)

4. Beauty Care

Almonds are as good for you when applied topically on your skin. They're a great moisturising agent that can heal scars. Almonds have also been found to be able to relieve muscle aches. Have a read on the labels of your beauty products today. Don't be surprise to see almonds there.

5. Weight Maintenance

Everybody wants to lose weight. Fat is always an issue. Now, here's the way to go. Chewing on almonds have been scientifically proven to increased the feeling of fullness in oneself (Journal of Clinical Nutrition). However, there is a trick here. Chew 25-40 times before swallowing each mouthful of almonds. The feeling of satiety will stop you from reaching that bag of chips, and its definitely an effective way to tackle overeating which can quickly lead to obesity. 

Now that you know, go on and start munching on your almonds today!

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Dietary Change is a MUST in Gout Patients

Gout is a terrible, painful condition that is now affecting almost 1% of the world's population.
It is a medical condition that can be prevented, if not well-controlled if proper education and awareness is present among this group.

Gout & Uric Acid
Gout is closely linked with the levels of uric acid in our body. Uric acid is a by-product of the metabolism of foods rich  in purines, and is also made by the body. Excess uric acid is transferred by the kidneys to urine and removed by the body. People with gout either produce too much uric acid or their kidneys are unable to dispose of it sufficiently. As a result, uric acid accumulates and forms tiny needle-shaped crystals in the joints, causing excruciating pain and inflammation.

A gout attack can occur overnight, followed by severe pain and joint inflammation that can last between 5-10 days. The big toe where it joins the ball of the foot, the instep, ankle, knee, kneecap, wrist, tip of the elbow, and fingers can all be affected. 


Medical advice should be sought early; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be a group of very effective pain killers to relieve gout pain. DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN to relieve pain from an episode of gout attack. Colchicine is usually used together with NSAIDs for a short period.

The mainstay treatment of gout is to ensure that drugs used to control uric acid levels (such as Allopurinol/Probencid) must be taken EVERY DAY, even when there is NO ACUTE PAIN!

Dietary Changes
Gout patients MUST avoid all foods containing high levels of purines. 

1. Avoid/Restrict foods high in purines such as sardines, anchovies, shell fish, fish roe, peas, lentils, beans, Marmite and Vegemite.

2. Avoid large amounts of red meat.

3. Drink alcohol in moderation.

4. Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids, as dehydration can trigger an attack!

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Aggressive Behaviour in Children Today - Soft Drinks

This is a very interesting study that is worth a read.

A study in the United States (US) has found a link between soft drink consumption and aggressive behaviour among young children. Data was collected among 3,000 5-year old children all across 20 large US cities, in the Fragile Families and Wellbeing Study. The results were shocking.

Those who drank more than 4 drinks a day were more than twice likely to destroy things belonging to others, get into fights and physically attack people.

 They also had increased attention problems, and withdrawal behaviour as compared to those who did not consume these beverages.

"We found that child's aggressive behaviour score increased with every increase in soft drinks servings per day."
 - Dr Shakira Suglia (Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, US)

Although the study was unable to identify the exact reasons on why soft drinks cause aggressive behaviour in children, it is recommended to limit or totally eliminate soft drinks consumption among children today to reduce behavioural problems.