Wednesday 18 December 2013

Almonds Are Good For You!

Did you know the almond tree is a cousin of the peach, cherry and apricot tree?

Did you know that the almond tree bears fruits with very fragrant beautiful flowers, but we enjoy mostly the seed of the fruit, which we go nuts about; ALMONDS.

It will surprise you how this tiny little tear-shaped seed can bring so much health benefits for you.

1. Improving Heart Health

Research has shown that snacking on a handful of almonds everyday will bring you a long way towards protecting and strengthening your heart. The nutrients contained in this powerful seed have been found to help decrease blood sugar spikes after a high carbohydrate meal, hence a reduction in incidences of heart disease over time.

2. Almonds Take All Your Stress Away

Almonds are rich in stress-busting nutrients (particularly vitamin B and vitamin E). These vitamins help you relieve tension in your nerves. All you will need is to munch on a quarter cup of almonds, which is definitely enough to chase all the anxieties away! Next time your boss screams at you, chew on some almonds, take a few deep breaths, and you'll do just fine.

3. Rich in Calcium

We know dairy products are the way to get calcium into our body. But do you also know that besides the former, ALMONDS are one of the richest sources of calcium around too!. Just about 14 grams of almonds give you about 37 grams of calcium (Harvard University Health Services)

4. Beauty Care

Almonds are as good for you when applied topically on your skin. They're a great moisturising agent that can heal scars. Almonds have also been found to be able to relieve muscle aches. Have a read on the labels of your beauty products today. Don't be surprise to see almonds there.

5. Weight Maintenance

Everybody wants to lose weight. Fat is always an issue. Now, here's the way to go. Chewing on almonds have been scientifically proven to increased the feeling of fullness in oneself (Journal of Clinical Nutrition). However, there is a trick here. Chew 25-40 times before swallowing each mouthful of almonds. The feeling of satiety will stop you from reaching that bag of chips, and its definitely an effective way to tackle overeating which can quickly lead to obesity. 

Now that you know, go on and start munching on your almonds today!

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