Thursday 26 December 2013

Pine Extract to Treat Infections

Pine Conifer Needles
Merry Christmas readers! In this joyous festive season, we will look into a natural wonder of mother earth today. 

The extracts of PINE CONIFER NEEDLES has been shown to contain many medicinal properties. In the 1930s, Russian forest biochemists were observing pine trees for their ability to thrive and remain evergreen through severe weather conditions. They found certain 'live elements' in pine conifer needles which was the key to the pine tree's good health and longevity, and when these 'live elements' were given to humans, they recovered from their illnesses.

This nutritional supplement contains a whole load of goodness, known as Bioeffective A (Brand: Nuvapine A). Bioeffective A comprises of chlorophyll derivatives, beta-carotene and other carotenoids, vitamin E, phytosterols, polyprenols, squalene, and many more other minerals. Below is a summary of all the nutritional benefits of Bioeffective A.

1. Antioxidant - This nutritional supplement helps to prevent premature aging in cells, helping with cholesterol and triglyceride lowering, protects cell from malfunction and disease, better heart and nerve health, improved immune functions.   

2. Anti-microbial - Bioeffective A has all antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity. This extracts help to protect one from infectious respiratory infections, helps with the recovery of respiratory infections as well. Besides, it provides protection from gastric ulceration (H. Pylori infections).

3. Gastrointestinal - This extract has shown to help improve stomach and gut health, providing better digestive health with improved immune health..

4. Detoxification - Bioeffective A has been shown to prevent toxin overload in the body by its detoxifying actions in the blood and liver. It helps with hepatitis, and has also been shown to reduce the severity of chemotherapy side effects.

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