Sunday 9 February 2014

All in the mood for New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year 2014 readers!

There's just something about Chinese New Year (CNY ) and RED.......
RED has always been the colour and participation of all CNY festivities. Why RED?
The Chinese believes that red is the emblem of joy and symbolises good values like sincerity, truth and virtue. It is also believed that this colour welcomes luck, success, prosperity and good health.

In this festive season, why not start incorporating some RED-coloured superfoods into our daily diet?

1. Grapes

This fruit is oval or round in shape, sweet and full of texture. Latest research have shown grapes to be associated with longevity. The key phytonutrient, Resveratrol can be found present mostly in grape skins, but also in grape seeds and grape flesh. Resveratrol has been shown to increase expression of all three genes associated with longevity.

2. Beet Root

This vegetable has got a distinct red/pink colour to it. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and fiber. It is very beneficial for pregnant women as it is rich in folic acid, which is essential for normal tissue growth. . Folic acid is crucial for the development of the baby’s spinal cord during the first 3 months of pregnancy, and can help prevent spinal cord defects such as spina bifida. This vegetable has very high contents of nitrates as well, which is able to help reduce high blood pressure and its associated risks of strokes and heart attacks.

3. Tomatoes

Tomatoes have been well-known to be rich in Lycopenes;  a strong antioxidant which also contributes to the RED colour of tomatoes. A research done among post-menopausal women has now shown the important role of lycopenes (as an antioxidant) in tomatoes in helping with bone health as well! Research (Journal of National Cancer Institute) have also shown that tomatoes and tomatoes-linked products are associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer. 

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