Sunday 23 February 2014

Vitamin C Reduces the Risk of Stroke

A study done in France recently suggests that the risk of haemorrhagic stroke is lower among people with normal vitamin C blood levels compared to those with low or deficient levels. Haemorrhagic stroke is less common than ischemic stroke. However, the former is the deadlier one of the two.

The study involved testing vitamin C blood levels in 65 individuals who has suffered an intracerebral haemorrhagic stroke, and 65 people who had never had a stroke. Research showed that 45% had normal vitamin C levels and 45% had very low levels. Those who had not experienced strokes were the ones with high levels of the vitamin.

“More research is needed to explore specifically how vitamin C may help to reduce stroke risk. However, the study suggest that vitamin C deficiency should be considered as a risk factor for haemorrhagic stroke; as well as other factors that include high blood pressure, drinking alcohol and being overweight."
-Dr Stephane Vannier

Recommended doses of vitamin C for adult men are 90mg per day and women 75mg.

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